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Blog filter by reduce & reuse

rethink and redesign the way we use things

How to rethink and redesign the way we make and consume things

Plastic has become a valuable material in today’s economy, it is cheap, safe and efficient packaging used vastly in the distribution of the products. 
Why you should promote eco products

Why you should promote eco products

The earth has served us well, it’s a great place to call home. The environment has directly or indirectly provided us all the things that we need to survive.
best reusable coffee cup

Best reusable coffee cup

With a growing awareness for environmental protection and sustainability, more consumers are making a switch to reusable coffee cups, as we attempt to reduce our carbon footprint. 
buying the right water bottle

Essential tips for buying the right water bottle

Drinking plenty of water every day is a great habit to get into as it will improve your health and wellbeing, but it does depend on the type of water bottle you drink from. 
make your kids meal times fun

Make your kids meal times fun with a Yumbox Bento lunchbox

Making a lunch that your kids will enjoy is a minefield. What is it they don’t like this week?  How can we encourage our kids to eat their lunch while ensuring nutrition and healthy food habits?
reusable coffee cup switch

Reusable coffee cup switch - a great step to protect the environment

Are you a coffeeholic? Does coffee keep you going all day long? Coffee can be a perfect stressbuster for you, but your addiction might be detrimental to the planet. 
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